So, what do we do about this? First of all, I think we should do exactly what the quote says and 'be willing to do that much for them'....more over, rather than simply 'willing', we should deliver in actions. These actions should be purely selfless and with the realization that we may not realize the flip-side of the coin in return from others. I mean, come on now, let's face it, Jesus did that very thing, didn't He? Secondly, I believe we should not allow those times of disappointment or let-down with regard to our expectation of others become a source of contention or a sore spot. If we do, we are opening ourselves up for unnecessary pain and suffering and we are opening a door for the adversary to possibly drive a wedge between us and someone whom God has a plan and a purpose for us to have a relationship with...either for us, them, or Him. Finally, the Biker's Code states: "...It used to be that all bikers shared a common bond, an unspoken code of ethics and behavior that transcended words and was built on actions...." With that portion of the code in mind, may we take the first quote I shared and the portion of the Code I shared and intertwine them into what we should be & do on a daily basis. In doing so, we honor the Code as well as the Father. Until next time, ride safely, honor the Code and keep your expectations in perspective.
I recently read a quote that TOTALLY hit home with me...the quote: "Sometimes we expect more from others because we would be willing to do that much for them." This immediately took me back through the past weeks and even months. I remembered things Old Socks and I had done and things Old Socks and I had experienced and expected. Some good, some bad, and some yet to be determined. As I mulled these words over and the experiences (good, bad, & yet to be determined), I began to analyze some of them. Now, I will not go into specific details of these experiences and expectations, but I will share a few conclusions I came to as I contemplated these things. First of all, we do what we do and expect what we expect, at least Old Socks and I do, because of exactly what the quote I shared says. Secondly, I realized that we will often be let down or disappointed due to our expectations. Also, we will, by the same token, let others down or disappoint them because of their expectations. Sadly, this often happens and we or others are often oblivious if we have been the one(s) offending or hurting someone in this. Then, I realized that God often has expectations of us that we don't live up to. He, on the other hand, has always and will always deliver, according to His good and perfect will.
So, what do we do about this? First of all, I think we should do exactly what the quote says and 'be willing to do that much for them'....more over, rather than simply 'willing', we should deliver in actions. These actions should be purely selfless and with the realization that we may not realize the flip-side of the coin in return from others. I mean, come on now, let's face it, Jesus did that very thing, didn't He? Secondly, I believe we should not allow those times of disappointment or let-down with regard to our expectation of others become a source of contention or a sore spot. If we do, we are opening ourselves up for unnecessary pain and suffering and we are opening a door for the adversary to possibly drive a wedge between us and someone whom God has a plan and a purpose for us to have a relationship with...either for us, them, or Him. Finally, the Biker's Code states: "...It used to be that all bikers shared a common bond, an unspoken code of ethics and behavior that transcended words and was built on actions...." With that portion of the code in mind, may we take the first quote I shared and the portion of the Code I shared and intertwine them into what we should be & do on a daily basis. In doing so, we honor the Code as well as the Father. Until next time, ride safely, honor the Code and keep your expectations in perspective.
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As I rode home from work tonight, I had the radio on scan and was deep in thought. I was reflecting on the weekend a song came on the radio which made me reflect even more intently. What was I reflecting on? And what song came on the radio? I was reflecting on our weekend at Thunder Beach Spring Rally. I thought of the events of the weekend and the many people in our path over the course of three days. Of course, we were around those whom we knew and those whom we did not. As for those we knew, some were brothers and sisters of LAHBW. Others we knew were friends/family from the Ozark area. In addition to those whom we knew, there was those whom we met for the first time. Some of them are featured in the photo album from the weekend, as well as many more whom were not photographed. While these people may not have been photographed and added to the album, we engaged in conversation with them and pray for them now.
Now, fast forward to my drive home today. Remember, I told you I was deep in thought and the radio was on scan. As I neared Oz, Something to Believe In, by Poison, came on the radio. While I know the song well, I was somehow drawn to the lyrics. The chorus says, "And give me something to believe in If there's a Lord above...And give me something to believe in...Oh, Lord arise." Those words really struck a chord in me at that point and I was immediately taken to a conversation I had this morning with a guy who has a passion for reaching outside the box and reaching others. He made this statement: "You can't witness to people you don't know." Now, you may be wondering how all of this ties together. You see, we find that we all need something to believe in. Some of us have found that 'something' to be a 'Someone' in the name of Jesus. Others seek something to believe the form of excessive alcohol/drugs/etc., relationships, status, a bike, etc. However, the cold hard truth is that absolutely NONE of these things will give a person peace, contentment, or security....AND we, who have found 'Something (or rather Someone) to Believe In' need to be going out intentionally seeking to help others find what/Whom we have found. Of course, many people want to tell others about Jesus and the fact that they need to accept Him. However, many are unwilling to go into the highways and hedges to compel others to come to know Him. The perfect model was Jesus: (Mark 2:15) "While Jesus was having dinner at Levi’s house, many tax collectors and sinners were eating with Him and Hhis disciples, for there were many who followed Him. (16) When the teachers of the law who were Pharisees saw Him eating with the sinners and tax collectors, they asked his disciples: “Why does he eat with tax collectors and sinners?” Some say that going into a bar or to a bike rally is 'not Godly'. Personally, it is my conviction, along with Old Socks, that we NEED to go into the highways and hedges to 'give them something to believe in'. I hate to burst anyone's bubble, but the truth is that Jesus didn't sit up at the synagogue (church for us today) and wait on people to come to Him. Yes, He went to the synagogue, He taught, etc., but He did not let it end there. He WENT to where the people were.. I attempt to live my life as real as possible each and every day. It is my prayer that others will see in this life I live sincerity and honesty as well as a peace that is only found in Jesus. You see, I desire the life I live to give others something/Someone to believe in. If you are reading this blog and have found that something/Someone I speak of, may you also strive to do the same. If you are reading this blog and desire to know Him, maybe you should read under our tab, 'Where will the road you're on take you?'. You are always welcome to contact us via the guestbook if you have questions or would like to request us to pray for/with you. Until next time, may we all seek to give those around us 'Something to Believe In'...and as always, ride safely, my brothers & sisters! This week has been another week for the books peeps. I am sure we will one day look back to this week and reflect upon the events it held. Why do I say this? Let me begin with this Monday night...our family, along with a friend, watched along with many a football fan as the Alabama Crimson Tide made history by winning the BCS Championship game by shutting LSU out. Yes, that is correct, they did not allow LSU to score at all. This was the first BCS Championship game to be won by a shut-out. Furthermore, this brought Bama their 14th National Championship title (9 in 'the modern era' for the nay-sayers ;) ). Secondly, on Wednesday morning as Old Socks was getting ready for work, a good friend (Angie) called & told us that her husband (Ryan) had 'wrecked the bike'. We began to prepare to go to the scene of the accident when she called back to say the hospital had called to tell her that he was at the hospital. We went straight to the hospital not knowing what to expect. We arrived simultaneously with Angie. I walked into the ER with her as Chas & David parked their vehicles. When we got in, we were told that he was 'lucky' and that he was being prepped for x-ray. One of the officers who worked the accident told us that Ryan had hit not one but two deer. He said that one was 'cut in half' and that one could not have a bone left in its body that was unbroken (that one ended up wrapped up around a telephone pole). I won't bore you with all of the details, but just know that 'lucky' was not in it...Ryan was incredibly blessed. You see, he was going 50 or more mph and the bike went some 120 or more feet up the pavement, the car with the driver who witnessed the accident almost hit his bike, which could have easily been Ryan. He did have nasty road rash, a cracked T-1 vertebra, cracked ribs & bruised lungs, but the very next day, our brother walked out of the hospital and went home. Let's face it, we could have been going to a funeral. Instead, we were blessed to worship our Lord with Ryan & Angie & their kids today! Enough events to look back on? Sure, but the week wasn't done. That very night, Old Socks had the opportunity to meet with a friend who had been 'going through some major stuff'. That meeting was only one event in this person's life for the week and not the first which is to be looked back upon as the days, weeks, months and years pass. As of this morning, with the events of the week (minus the ballgame), worshiping the Lord together with all of these mentioned made it ever-sweet, which brings me to the following lyrics by Larnell Harris: "I can look beyond the skies, deep into the Father's eyes and see that there is hope for one like me. I can begin again with the passion of a child. My heart has caught a vision of a life that's still worthwhile. I can reach out again far beyond what I have done. Like a dreamer who's awakened to a life that's yet to come. For new beginnings are not just for the young. I face the dawn of each brand new day free from all the doubt that gripped my past. For I've found in trusting Him that everyday life starts again as I look toward the things of life that last..."
Have you ever thought about it and just how easy it is to begin again and that everyday life starts again? Do you look toward things of life that last? Let me tell you, all you have to do is have a week like Old Socks and I have had and you realize that this is so very true. Furthermore, your heart can catch a vision of a life that IS still worthwhile...all you have to do is to TRUST HIM. Do you trust Him? You is all up to you. He is waiting on you to trust Him and you, too can 'Begin Again.' Won't you do that today? Tomorrow may be too late...It is my prayer that you not wait. Until next time, consider new beginnings, 'with the passion of a child', as Larnell sings. Oh, & as always, ride safely, my brothers & sisters. It has been a tumultuous few weeks and this weekend has been a flood of so many emotions. Indulge me, if you will, as I attempt to convey.
As I sat this afternoon at the funeral of a very close friend's 33 year old sister, I reflected on the past several days and the emotions that have accompanied. Let me take you through it...for several days, a couple of weeks or so, Old Socks and I have watched and felt very helpless as some near and dear to us have been embattled. I won't go into these battles, but just know that when we say that it has been trying, that might be an understatement. All while this has been going on, our older son, David, has been planning to propose to his sweetheart. Those two events going on simultaneously have been somewhat a mix of polar opposite emotions. Then, on Friday morning, we received an early morning call from another dear friend. His sister-in-law had just been found deceased. We immediately got dressed and went out to be with this of ours, if you will. Hearts were and are breaking in this matter. There are so many unanswered questions and so few answers. Then comes Saturday...David gets the email of 'approval' from his future father-in-law in Afghanistan. So, he takes his lady to a spot special to the two of them and presents the ring and the question. Of course, she says, 'Yes!' So, we are on an emotional high, for the moment. We are blessed to have her as a part of our family. Now, on Sunday morning, we join friends, along with another dear friend, at their church...The Grace Place. When we arrived, we were warmly greeted by a very casual congregation and began to worship in a contemporary setting. The first song we sang was an 'old favorite' to many a believer....the song was 'I'll Fly Away.' Old Socks and I were immediately carried back to 2003 and the funeral of yet another dear friend/brother. Were we sad? No, not really. You see, he is no longer suffering and his family is ever-stronger in the Lord. Then, we sang 'Strong Enough' by Matthew West. If you have not ever heard the song, may I encourage you to listen to it. It could not have been a more fitting song for a more fitting time for us. Then, the pastor shared a message in a series he is doing on connecting Christmas to the Old Testament. He shared of how God's Word is true whether we believe it or not. In that message, he reminded us that while Jesus was fully human, He is fully God and that while He was fully capable of sinning, He NEVER did. How awesome is that? Have you ever thought about it? While Old Socks and I already knew this, it was good to be reminded. Fast forward a couple of hours later...we have shared with relatives in N. Ga. the news of the weekend with regard to the engagement. While we shared to include and share in our joy, it seemed as if that news alone was met with mixed emotions. Then, we were sitting at the funeral and all of these events were swirling in my mind. How do I deal with all of this? I have friends/family struggling with such anguish and heartbreak, I have a newly engaged son/daughter-in-law to be, and relatives who are hundreds of miles away; some of whom I feel closer to and some of whom, I feel less than close to. It has been said that we can choose our friends, but we can't choose our family. I thought this is somewhat a true statement. Not that I choose or choose not, but often feel to be less than chosen or that maybe some would choose not to have me or mine in their family. Let's face it people, relationships make the family and that family doesn't necessarily dictate that there be blood relation. Some of you who will read this blog are blood relatives and some of you are Blood relatives (see previous blog) and while we might be in touch more with some and less with some, may we never take relationships for granted. Furthermore, may we never allow pettiness to sever relationships. What do I mean by pettiness? You know, it could be the proverbial 'glass of spilled milk' or the facebook snub, or perceived snub. The truth of the matter is this: relationships require genuine effort, care, and concern. A simple solution? I am not sure that there is one. However, I am sure that hurt feelings over petty things and focus on self more than others (genuineness, not of the stalker nature) is absolutely required. We must find a way to move beyond those petty things and those petty people in our lives/paths and focus on those who are in our lives because the Lord has placed them there, whether by blood or Blood. So, as you can see, I truly have been dealing with such a flood of emotions....some good, some not so much. What do I do with it? What do any of us do with such a flood of emotions? I can't tell you what you should do or and I don't know what you would do. I only know that I am determined to be who I am, who He has called and molded me to be. I am going to love Him first and foremost, love my Old Socks, my boys & their lady loves and the rest of those of you. Will I always receive the love I give? From the Lord, absolutely. From my Old Socks and sons, I truly hope so. From everyone else? Some yes, some no....I have made my choices and sworn my allegiances. The rest is up to Him and them/you. However, I will say this, as in previous blogs, I seek only to please Him and them. I do not desire nor require the approval of everyone with whom I come in contact....when it has all been said and all has been done, what matters most is best stated as penned by Cindy Morgan: "It's not who you knew, it's not what you did. It's how you live." In the spirit of that quote, I leave you with a paraphrase from Francis Chan's Crazy Love/Living Crazy Love book and Bible study: God doesn't judge us on a curve, He judges only as we line up to His word. (Basically, we can't look around and judge ourselves or judge others based on our ideals or the actions of others...there is one standard...His word.) Having said all of this, I leave you to mull it all over. Pray over it if you are a pray-er. I do encourage you to, if nothing else I said struck your heart, to contemplate the words of Cindy Morgan and Francis Chan. Until next time, live life to the fullest, love to the deepest, and ride safely. I have heard it said that blood is thicker than that statement, my thoughts have been focused for the past several days. I have looked into God's Word and have come to a conclusion....sometimes, blood is NOT thicker than water. You may wonder why I would say such a thing, but look with me if you will, at just a couple of examples. For starters, let's look at Cain and Abel. Brothers, born to parents, Adam and Eve. Adam, we are told was created in God's own image. Yet, sin entered in and jealousy bred. Cain was so jealous of God's acceptance of Abel's offering that he killed his own brother. Further in scripture, we read of the account of Joseph's brothers selling him into slavery because they, too were jealous. He was sold into slavery by his jealous brothers, yet rose to become the most powerful man in Egypt, next to Pharaoh. While this is merely two accounts of blood not being thicker than water, the Bible has many more. Even in the New Testament, in the book of Matthew, chapter 10, Jesus tells us that we are to view biological relationships as pale in comparison to our relationship with Him. Now, before you go getting all fired up at me and begin to think I am downplaying biological family, I am NOT. I love my family greatly! However, I love Jesus more. Which, brings me to a deeper thought on whether blood is thicker than water or not. There is a blood that is thicker than water....that blood was shed on Calvary. While water can wash away dirt and dust on the physical body, ONLY the blood of Christ is capable of washing and cleansing the soul whiter than snow.
It is such a comfort to many whom I know who have loved ones who hurt them out of jealousy or selfish gain to know that they have a Friend Who sticks closer than a brother. Quite honestly, I feel their comfort. You see, in a life of diligently seeking to please the one Who died and shed that precious blood for me/us, we often are faced with heartbreaking circumstances when we are not accepted or embraced by our 'blood family.' That doesn't mean that we are out to dishonor or disrespect them, it simply means that we have come to the realization of what matters most in this life. When all has been said and all has been done, I want my life to be one that has been pleasing to God, according to His Word and the convictions He puts on my heart, not according to what ANYONE on earth, be it 'family', 'friends' or society, has told me is perfect and acceptable to them. May we all be more concerned with what God's Word says and what His Spirit impresses in our hearts as we seek Him daily. For truly, His blood IS the BLOOD that is Thicker than Water... Until next time, seek to please the One Who shed His blood freely for you & ride safely.... As I am sure you are well aware, I have not blogged consistently in a while. It seems as if life just gets SO busy sometimes. We have had opportunities to ride, but not as many as we would like. Of course, that is usually always the case. However, we are looking forward to the weekend. We will be heading down to Thunder Beach...leaving out in the morning. We are uber excited as Bob and Angie will be arriving sometime today to meet up with Ryan and Angie and we will be meet up with them all tomorrow. Sadly, Desiree' and Darryl & Karyn couldn't make the weekend trip, but spring rally is coming soon enough. Also, Davey was unable to make the trip down from Georgia...we had hoped she would also be able to make the trip.
We always enjoy Thunder Beach and are blessed greatly as the weekend unfolds. It is our desire to have a good time of fellowship with family and friends. We also desire to make new friends and acquaintances...ultimately, we desire to make a difference for the kingdom. Won't you join us in prayer for the weekend...for safety and protection for all who ride there and back. Also, that we will lift up our Heavenly Father in all that we say and do...May all experience the love, freedom, and liberty of the Risen Lord as Old Socks and I do. Until next time, ride safely and live in love, freedom and liberty! Hello friends. It has been a long time since I have bogged. I could make excuses about how busy I have been, which I have; or use any number of other reasons. Truth is maybe a little bit of all. I began blogging daily. Then, I had a lot to share to bring everyone through the years with us. Then, there was the effect of 'therapy' so-to-speak with regard to the blog. Regardless of the reasons, blogs have been spaced out recently, but it is my desire to share something with each blog that has had a profound impact on me or in my life. Tonight's blog is no different. Recently, I have encountered these words, "Don't lose who you are in the blur of the stars. Seeing is deceiving, dreaming is believing. It's okay not to be okay. Sometimes it's hard to follow your heart. But tears don't mean you're losing. Everybody's bruising. There's nothing wrong with who you are." These words got me to thinking....I remember a time that Old Socks and I got lost in the blur of the stars. You see, we got so lost in who we were told we had to be and become that we neglected who we really were/are. Further in this quote, we are encouraged to understand that everybody is bruising and that it's okay to be who you are. I can only speak for Old Socks and myself, but let me just say that there is a certain liberty and freedom in embracing who you are and who He intended you to be. Not everyone is intended to wear a suit and tie or, God forbid, a dress....but we ALL have specifics that make us who we are. Sadly, we often get bruised up so-to-speak if we don't conform to what family, 'friends' and acquaintances (all of these are often found in churches) tell us we are to be/become. That doesn't mean that we are losers or that we are lost. Think about it. What if we were all the same, had the same likes/dislikes, looked the same, etc. Can you say, "Boring/Dull/Blah!"? There is so much more to life and living than becoming what a few tell us we 'ought' to be or do, don't ya think? On this line of thought, I hear the profoundness in "Seeing is deceiving, dreaming is believing." Have you ever seen heaven? No, neither have I, but I dream of one day seeing and THAT is believing. In John 20:29, Jesus says, "Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed." So, you see, not everything is, nor should be based on appearances or what we see. I am believing that one day I will see heaven in all of it's glory. I am also believing that the fact that we ARE who we are for a reason, motorcycles, tats & all. How about you? Have you been lost in the blur of the stars? Have you been deceived? Do you believe? Have you been bruised? Take heart friend! Tears don't mean you are losing....remember, Jesus wept (John 11:35). There's nothing wrong with who you are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14). I don't know about you, but knowing these simple truths makes my heart happy and on days when I feel bruised and the tears come, I am encouraged.
I hope that you have been encouraged in this, as I have. May we meet here again soon. Until then, ride safely! Two weeks ago, Old Socks and I rode in the ride to honor Max McCullar then, we rode to the metropolis of Ariton with Darryl and Karyn and ended the evening at the Bates' for a little fellowship. The following weekend, Old Socks, Darryl, and I met with our brothers and sisters in F.A.I.T.H. Riders at Dale Co. Lake for their annual benefit ride. However, we did not ride with them. Instead, we went back, got Karyn and went to Reece and Rhonda's, then off on an adventure to Abby Creek, then back to Enterprise (Mike had spent the day with R&R's boys). We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves both weekends and the great friends we spent the time with. This weekend was a bit different. Old Socks took the day off to spend with me on Friday. We spent some time together, cleaned some carpet and I had a wonderful opportunity to begin to catch up on 25 years with a friend from school. I absolutely love how God has a way of renewing relationships in His time.
On Friday afternoon, my boss called and asked if we were going to the air show in PC, which we had not planned to, even though we normally do go. Long story short, he said he had not rented the condo for the weekend and figured I wanted to go down for the air show. I just needed to go by the office & pick up a key....I could do that ;) So, Old Socks and I loaded up the bikes & Mike & headed to PCB for the rest of the weekend. We had a beautiful ride down even though it was a bit breezy. While there, Mike boy enjoyed the beach and pool. Old Socks and I simply enjoyed a little down time and time together. It looked like it was going to be a beautiful ride back on Sunday afternoon when we headed back. We got to Bonifay and stopped for a hiney break. While there, a lady came up to us and asked if she could ask something without offending. She began to tell of how her car was pulling or veering to one side. She had her child in the car with her and was headed to Ft. Walton Beach (home). Old Socks looked at the car and checked the air in the tires. He told her that he thought it was likely the alignment. I gave her a card and asked her to let me know when she made it home. Of course, my phone number and the website information was on the card. Thankfully, shortly after we made it home, she messaged us to let us know she had made it home safely. As we rode up the road, I prayed for that lady (Felicia) and her son that they would be protected and have safe travels. On further up the road, as we rode, it became apparent that we were headed directly into the storms we had been receiving warnings of to our phones. Old Socks pulled up along side me and told me that if we rode into it, he wanted me to stop. No problem....after that episode with the coyote on wet pavement. However, I was blazing up the road trying to make it to the station in Hartford before the storm did. I was watching the miles and when we were maybe two miles away, we ran into the rain and it was pretty strong. I pulled off onto a side road and we decided to go back to an intersection a mile or so back. Once we arrived at the intersection, a lightening bolt hit VERY near us. Old Socks said we should try to make it to the station. So, we headed to what we perceived would be a safe haven in the storm. As we rode back into the rain, which was coming down heavily, the cross-winds were strong from the west. At one point, the wind took me from the center line to the side line and almost into a sign post in a turning lane. Old Socks said he wondered what was happening with me, then, the wind let him know. We persevered to the station, was thankful and felt blessed that we made it there safely. Once we pulled under the awning and got off the bikes, a gentleman came up and asked if we were caught in the hail. Hail? What hail? He pointed out literally mounds of hail that had accumulated in a matter of a few minutes just before we arrived at the station. Let me just say, we were even more thankful and felt even more blessed to have been spared the ride in the hail. After the rain subsided, we rode the remaining twenty or so miles under partly sunny, chilly skies. The events of our past few weekends may not be your cup of tea. You may not be a biker and may have no desire to ride. That is okay. You don't have to be a biker to honor a veteran. You don't have to be a biker to participate in a benefit. You don't have to be a biker to enjoy time with great friends. You don't have to be a biker to enjoy a get-away with your love. Further more, you don't have to be a believer to appreciate the awesome opportunities Old Socks and I had in the events described above, or even to appreciate the safe travels. But if you believe in a loving God Who protects and guides, then you have an appreciation as we do. If you don't, is my desire for you to know the One Who gives me a joy, a peace, a calm, and a life like I never experienced prior to my knowing Him. His Word says that if you seek, you will find; knock and it will be opened to you. Until next time friends, be safe and make every day count! You may not know 92 year old, Max McCullar, but chances are, you can mention his name and someone around you does. Since he retired in Enterprise in 1974, he has touched the hearts and the lives of so many.
...On Sunday, 13 March 2010, COL Francis Max McCullar left us. He moved from Enterprise to a retirement home in Marrietta, Georgia. We joined together as a community and show Max how much his friendship has meant to us all and how much we appreciate his military service. He is a true friend and a true American Hero! The Parade Route was as Follows: At 2:00, Max's daughter will leave his residence, with Max in the car. He was first met, at his house, by members of the 15th Alabama and the 31st Alabama Civil War reenacters coordinated by Cpl. Wayne Brunson. Max then traveled to Food World where the Patriot Guard Riders, lead by Tom Ellis and the Military Vehicle Restoration Club, lead by Lamar Rowland, escorted him onto the circle and turn left to head towards Rucker Blvd. Before leaving the staging area, Entreprise city officials officially proclaimed the day as Mr. Max's day. The parade, lead by Enterprise Police Chief Jones, proceeded past Wal-Mart, across HWY 84, past the Elementary School where Max has been a dedicated volunteer. At HWY 27, the parade turned North and continued through town, under the train trestle and down Main Street. Once past the Boll Weevil Monument, the parade went straight to the circle and turned right. The last turn was North onto HWY 167. When we participate in a funeral procession for a vet, we show the family members how much we cared for their Loved one. Max is still very much alive and it was our duty as his friends and as Americans to stand somewhere along the route and show our support. He is truly an amazing person and we were all lucky to have had him in our community. I know I promised to blog more often. However, it just seems impossible to do lately. Forgive me, hopefully, we will get back to posting more often soon ;)
I titled this post Reasons to Celebrate. Tonight, we might be able to share of literally thousands of reasons to celebrate, but I would like to take the time and this post to simply reflect on the weekend. On Friday, March 4, Old Socks and I were blessed to be able to spend the day together, which in itself is a reason to celebrate. However, this particular day was even more reason to celebrate, as we celebrated our 25th Wedding Anniversary. Yes, that is right, we celebrated our SILVER Wedding Anniversary. Old Socks often says that early in our marriage that he was too broke to get a divorce and I was too stubborn. The truth is that he is correct on both. Personally, while the statement he often makes is true, we both believe that the Lord kept us together when we were too blind and too ignorant to know Him or His will in our lives. For whatever the reason, I am deeply appreciative of the years we have spent together and eagerly look forward to the years we will spend together. Another statement Old Socks likes to make is that we married for better or worse. He says he couldn't have done any better and I couldn't have done any worse. I simply disagree with him ALL the way around on this one. I am blessed beyond what words could ever express and am thankful for my Old Socks. As our anniversary drew toward an end on Friday, we found ourselves at the wedding rehearsal of two people we have grown to love. If you have read my previous posts, you already know how much I love and appreciate Rhonda (The Logan Road Years post). Over the past year, we have had the privilege to get to know and love Reece. I have often said that this is the happiest I have seen Rhonda in the past seven years and that Reece makes her happy, which makes me happy. Truth is, I believe they make each other happy and this makes me happy. On Saturday, the wedding was beautiful as was the bride. Everyone could see the joy and happiness that Reece and Rhonda had flowing out of them. Old Socks was privileged to be the 'preacher' to marry them. Of course, I almost cried during the ceremony & when Old Socks came back to the table, as the newlyweds danced their first dance, he told me that he almost cried too. I know, bikers aren't supposed to be softies like that, but when you have history with someone and you see them happy after a difficult time, you are moved to tears....tears of joy. Before the ceremony, Reece told us that he had a surprise for us. Of course, we had absolutely NO clue what he could possibly mean. As the DJ went through having groups dance, you know, fathers/daughters, mothers/sons, etc. Something unexpected occurred. "Our Song", True, by Spandau Ballet, began to play and the DJ announced that the couple celebrating their 25th anniversary were to take the dance floor and dance.....this was our sweet & thoughtful! Well, the happy couple are off to cruise the Caribbean for a week. We wish them all the best and look forward to their return that we might be able to ride bikes with them :) Okay, now, it is Sunday and I am on to my third and final reason to celebrate this weekend....our dear sweet Dana finished her radiation treatments on Friday. After a rough eight weeks at five times per week, it is well over-due. We spent the evening with Dana, husband Casey, and their little princess, Zadia. Of course, Dana has lost like 25 pounds due to side-effects from treatments and she still feels like crap, but she is through the treatments...this is reason to celebrate. Now, we look forward to the follow-up oncology visit and hopefully even MORE reason to celebrate. Many of you have prayed for her and still do. I encourage you to please continue to do so, as we do the same. As you can see, we have had VERY GOOD reasons to celebrate this weekend, and we did! Let me close by saying this....while we had great reasons to celebrate this weekend, we also have reasons to celebrate daily. Many years ago, back at Carnesville Baptist Church, we used to sing a song...We've Got a Reason to Celebrate, by Babbie Mason. The song says, 'We've got a reason to celebrate, Jesus Christ is Lord.' How true is this? It is the one greatest thing to celebrate. While this weekend was full of reasons to celebrate, we should not forget the greatest reason of all to celebrate. I truly hope that each of you find reason to celebrate and rejoice in the reasons we celebrated this weekend, but more so, I urge you to celebrate Jesus as Lord. Until next time, ride safely and celebrate daily. |
AuthorMy name is Sonja. I am known as Road Rash, for obvious reasons. I have been a member of His Blood Warriors since 1996 I served as Secretary of LAHBW since the charter began in February 2002. In October, I became International Secretary and currently serve in that position. Archives
June 2012
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