Well, it has been a while since my last post. I’m sorry for the time lapse, but this subject has caused me to suffer heartburn. (figuratively not literally) A few weeks ago, I spent the weekend at PC Beach for Thunder Beach. Over the course of the weekend, we encountered several folks from various areas of the world. Most were very nice; some were less than polite. Here is my problem. The people who displayed the worst attitudes were those flying “Christian colors, patches or tattoos.”
Many people have a problem of “taking the Lord’s Name in vain.” I too have issue with people who do this, but not in the same way that others do. Most people stop at words. I do not appreciate foul language, but if we look at the surface, it’s just words. Words communicate thoughts, ideals, etc. Some words are less desirable and should not be used. The problem I have with taking the Lord’s Name in vain is those who profess but do not show evidence that they possess.
When I spend time with my biker brethren, I try to display the love and acceptance that Jesus did in His earthly ministry. As I read Scripture, He went to the downtrodden, the poor, and the outcast. Many of my “Christian biker” brethren want to go into the highways and byways but only on their terms. They view themselves as too holy to be where people are and seem to cast an arrogant shadow over those of us who wade out into the deep for a catch. I don’t want to give details of what I encountered, but I will say that many times over the weekend I was blown off or treated rudely by the very ones who claim to shine out the love of Christ.
I wonder what type of faith that these with the “greater than” attitude think that they are displaying. I have had many people tell me that if this is the way Jesus is, they want no part of it. Now don’t misunderstand, I know that the gospel is offensive to the world. There is only ONE Way to the Father, … Jesus. That is offensive enough without us being less than what we should be. Now don’t think that I think I am perfect. I, like the Apostle Paul, do not claim to have laid hold of it, but I try desperately to grow each day in to a closer representation of the One Who gave Himself for me.
Next time you try to influence the culture, ask yourself, “Am I shining out His light or my own?” Would He do it the way I am? This was a little bit rant I know, but maybe it will challenge each of us to be a little less full of our status and a little more filled with His presence.
Till next time, let you light so shine that “they” may see your good works and glorify the Father Who is in heaven and ride safe.
Many people have a problem of “taking the Lord’s Name in vain.” I too have issue with people who do this, but not in the same way that others do. Most people stop at words. I do not appreciate foul language, but if we look at the surface, it’s just words. Words communicate thoughts, ideals, etc. Some words are less desirable and should not be used. The problem I have with taking the Lord’s Name in vain is those who profess but do not show evidence that they possess.
When I spend time with my biker brethren, I try to display the love and acceptance that Jesus did in His earthly ministry. As I read Scripture, He went to the downtrodden, the poor, and the outcast. Many of my “Christian biker” brethren want to go into the highways and byways but only on their terms. They view themselves as too holy to be where people are and seem to cast an arrogant shadow over those of us who wade out into the deep for a catch. I don’t want to give details of what I encountered, but I will say that many times over the weekend I was blown off or treated rudely by the very ones who claim to shine out the love of Christ.
I wonder what type of faith that these with the “greater than” attitude think that they are displaying. I have had many people tell me that if this is the way Jesus is, they want no part of it. Now don’t misunderstand, I know that the gospel is offensive to the world. There is only ONE Way to the Father, … Jesus. That is offensive enough without us being less than what we should be. Now don’t think that I think I am perfect. I, like the Apostle Paul, do not claim to have laid hold of it, but I try desperately to grow each day in to a closer representation of the One Who gave Himself for me.
Next time you try to influence the culture, ask yourself, “Am I shining out His light or my own?” Would He do it the way I am? This was a little bit rant I know, but maybe it will challenge each of us to be a little less full of our status and a little more filled with His presence.
Till next time, let you light so shine that “they” may see your good works and glorify the Father Who is in heaven and ride safe.